A young son was lying in bed, listening to his father read the bed-time story book to him. After hearing all of the fairy tales, the little boy said the following to his parent. “Now let me get this straight. Snow White was poisoned by an apple and almost died. Jack found a huge giant after climbing up the bean stalk. And look what happened to Alice when she ate all of those mushrooms. And mom and you wonder why I don’t want to eat fruits and vegetables!”

God’s diet for man before the curse was fruits and vegetables. The Bible says in Genesis 1:29,

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

God’s diet for man after the curse will be fruits and vegetables. The Bible says in Revelation 22:2,

In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the riv er, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Now we live in a carnivore or meat-eating diet dispensation, however fruits and vegetables are still important to our health. (Especially as they tend to be low in fat/carbs and high in fiber/vitamins.) But how do you know which ones to eat? There are so many of them. (Scientists say edible fruits and vegetables total around 3,000 in number.)

Fortunately, God has coloured-coded them for us. As a matter of fact, fruits and vegetables have the widest variety of naturally occurring pigments of any food group. There are six basic colours in total: red, orange, yellow, green, blue/purple and white. And each hue has its own distinct vitamin/nutrients, separate from the rest. So, if you are going to get all that fruits and vegetables have to offer, you’ll need to consume each colour. And thus, the rainbow diet.

Breakfast – What colour fruits could you add to your morning serving of oatmeal? For white (banana). For red (raspberry). For green (kiwi), etc.

Lunch – What colour vegetables could you add to your noon lunch box sandwich? For white (onion). For
green (lettuce). For red (tomato), etc.

Supper – What could you come up with that adds all six colours? Appetizer (garden salad). Main course (mixed vegetables). Dessert (fruit salad).

The bottom line? What is my favourite dish when it comes to the rainbow diet? A bowl of M & M’s!

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